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Unify Portland's Summer Works Program

Unify Portland has joined forces with STRYVE for a CPTED summer project called Summer Works. We put together a crew called of young guys from our community. Below are some pictures of the crew in action.

Throughout the summer, these young men have helped serve the community by doing yard work and cleaning the grounds around Portland. They have learned how to properly introduce themselves in different settings, make eye contact, and firmly shake hands. Most importantly, they learned to be confident and initiate the introduction. "Don't wait initiate" was the slogan!

In addition, the crew has also spent time in a classroom setting. During one of the classes, they each gave a brief history lesson about their native country or city. I was impressed by what each of them had to say. The SBAC nor the SAT preps young people for the Global workforce but we hope that we can be a stepping stone in the right direction. The village will raise them up!

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